USAFAToday is back live!

Graduate Disscussion * Folklore Wiki

The USAFA Graduate Initiative, Inc., an organization by and for graduates of the United States Air Force Academy, is pleased to announce the reopening of the USAFAToday forums.

Earlier this year, the UGI completed the purchase of UT from the family of James Sanchez, USAFA 90, the founder of UT.

We are grateful to James for all that he did for the graduate community and will miss him always.

The reopening of the forums marks only the beginning of all that the UGI hopes to accomplish with your assistance. Some areas we are considering addressing:

This is what the UGI is all about.

The reopening of UT is just the foundation. We want to move beyond forums, beyond just talk.

In the near future, we will be forming teams to design, build and operate the employment and business areas of our site. We can use your help. Check in with us often and join in the discussion of how we can help move the USAFA graduate community forward.

Till then.

Tom Slattery '77
for the USAFA Graduate Initiative, Inc.

For more information or any questions, please email USAFAToday Admin.